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ALTERCATIONS in Diamond Previews! Hoopla!

September 23, 2002


The new issue of PREVIEWS is in comic book stores now. It features items scheduled to ship in December 2000 including ALTERCATIONS: Vol 1

The book has been designated as certified cool by Diamond's editorial staff, and Alfred and I couldn't be happier. Be sure to check out page 20 of the PREVIEWS catalog which features a special write-up about this project. The solicitation for ALTERCATIONS can be found on page 338 of the massive catalog next to a half-page advertisement for the book. For those of you who do not have the PREVIEWS catalog and wish to order a copy of ALTERCATIONS for your very own personal enjoyment, the order code number is: OCT02 2773.

Even Moore Hoopla!

Be sure to visit Slush Factory where ALTERCATIONS steps up to the plate for this week's installment of The Pitch.

The Man Who Could Not Die

I've finished the first draft of a new novella that will soon be premiering on this site. The second draft will be started this week, and serialization should begin within the next seven to ten days (possibly).

cool sites to visit:
Dragonberry's Comic Art Links Directory
newsarama! (featuring an extensive ALTERCATIONS preview!
Paul D. Storrie online!
Sean McKeever online!
Sequential Tart!
Comic Shop News online!
Unbound Comics!
firstworldwar.com, an extensive and highly detailed site featuring a chronology of the "War to end all wars."

NEXT: More stuff. Really!

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