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W I D E   A W A K E

Unique and United

September 20, 2001

Psychological Aftermath

My thoughts and prayers are with the many individuals who were affected by the terrorists attacks on the United States, and I am hopeful that those who lead our country will do so with wisdom and caution.

It has been a personal challenge to find the ability to continue to create, but I’m trying. It’s easy to fall into a destructive thought process and tell yourself, “Why should I create anything? What’s the point? It doesn’t matter in the greater scheme of things.” And really, you could make a pretty convincing argument that that is true. However, the fact remains that creativity comes from within.

My pal Jay Weesner personifies this. This week I received from him in the mail an awesome watercolor of a group of heroes I’ll be featuring in the upcoming Altercations graphic novel. Jay began the piece right before September 11. He was unable to work on it for a few days as he, like us all, went into a state of shock at what had happened in our country. But Jay found comfort in once again picking up his brushes and paints and completing the work. And whether it is the act of drawing, writing, playing music, cleaning, baking, reading, jogging, teaching, or whatever it is that makes you unique, it’s important that you not let the tragedy that has befallen our country also befall your creative spirit. It’s important that we all realize that we are unique individuals, with special skills and interests, and no one can take that away from us as long as we live and breathe in a country that values our freedom.

American Red Cross Fundraiser

I am selling original art from my published comics at $25 per page. All money raised from the sale of this art will be given directly to the American Red Cross. For complete details of how this works, please see the Press Releases section of this website. I urge you to contribute and help the many who have lost everything.

Comments are always welcome. Write to: David
to voice your opinion.

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